Season 7 Ep. 1 Recap: Revenge of the Red Wedding

By Jay P - July 17, 2017

Winter is Here!

If you are anything like me after an episode of Game of Thrones you are clamoring for MORE and Trying to figure out the meaning of what you just saw. So Lets dicsuss…


Arya Stark “Leave one Wolf Alive and the Sheep are never safe!”

Season 7 picks up where season 6 left off, with Walder Frey Lord of the Riverlands not dead but alive and congratulating every Frey who means a damn thing in his dining hall. Walder erects a toast to his men for their service in carrying out the massacre that is the red wedding. The last time we saw Walder Frey his throat was being slit by Arya Stark, thus most immediately surmise that this is not Walder Frey but instead it is Arya Stark in a Walder Frey mask exacting revenge for the red wedding and the death of her Mother (Catelyn Stark), Brother (Rob Stark) and Sister in Law who was pregnant with what would have been her nephew. She poisons the entire banquet hall killing an entire family tree of Frey’s in one fell swoop.  Once everyone is dead she takes off her mask and commands Walder Frey’s young bride to tell people what happened here. She states, “Tell them the north remembers. Tell them winter came for house Frey.” And there you have it! This is Why Arya is one of the Bossest heroin of our time! The baddest female assassin since Natalie Portman in ‘The Professional’ or Zoe Saldana in ‘Columbiana’. Arya has solidified her ascension to the GOT pantheon with an epic revenge plot that saw her not only take revenge against Walder Frey, but she wiped out his entire line of succession with the death of his two sons and anyone able to lay claim to his lands.

Later on we see Arya come across a group of soldiers, singing and talking around the campfire. Shout out to the special appearance by Ed Sheeran. As these are the Queen’s soldier’s we understand that they are Arya’s sworn enemy. Curiously, Arya approaches with caution but in her true form, no mask. As she sits around the campfire while the soldiers discuss their misfortunes of going off to fight in someone else’s war, we sympathize with their plight. However, Arya is ever cautious noting that the soldiers weapons are laid down on the floor and she is the only one armed. This provides a certain level of comfort. Interestingly she even admits to heading down to King'’s Landing to kill the Queen. With two of her siblings alive and safe in Winterfell we are left to wonder why Arya is not headed north for a family reunion?

Brandon Stark (The 3-eyed Raven)You’ve seen the Army of the dead

Last we saw Bran, he had escaped the Night King’s grasp thanks to the efforts of the wonderful Hodor and his living dead Uncle Benjen. Bran owes a lot to Meera Reed; she has carried him from north of the wall to castle Black. Several theories suggest that Bran is to play an important role in the war against the night king. After being hell bent on heading North to meet the 3-eyed raven we now see Bran prepared for his journey south. What that exactly entails we are only left to wonder. 

Jon SnowYou Are My sister but I am King Now!

Jon Snow is the living embodiment of Ned stark, ironically who is most likely not his real father. Jon Snow is bound by an honor and duty that only served to get Ned Stark killed. As former commander of the Night’s watch Jon Snow is no stranger to leading, now anointed ‘King of the North’ he is now thrust into seeking vengeance for his family against Cersei and the Lanisters ,(of whom only her and Jamie remains) while protecting the seven kingdoms from the Night walkers. It seems as though Jon Snow is preoccupied with a justifiable obsession of the Nightwalkers while ignoring the enemy to his southern border Queen Cersei. Sansa reminds him of his folly while serving as advisor to the king. His entire life growing up as the bastard child of Ned Stark, Jon always felt inferior to his siblings. Every time Sansa questions his decisions he relives that same inadequacy he felt growing up. Many fans view Jon Snow as the rightful King of Westeros. This season will seek to see him fulfill his destiny as either the rightful King of Westeros, or destroyer of the White Walkers. Only time will tell. Btw where is Ghost? How did we go a full episode with no Ghost sighting?!

Sansa Stark “You’ve been so consumed with the enemy to the north you have forgotten about the one to the south”

Lady Sansa Stark has survived a long arduous journey back to her home, Winterfell. As rightful heir to Winterfell, she senses her advise is being overlooked and there is a growing contentious element playing out between her and her brother Jon snow. She interjects her thoughts without attrition, even if it directly contradicts her brother Jon Snow in front of his banner men. Jon fears she has lead a life of privilege and does not understand the complexities and responsibilities of sending men to die in war. She feels as though she has the most experience observing their enemies Cersei Lanister and Ramsey Bolton, giving her insight that has been discarded. I will credit Sansa this, she has come a long way from the brat who wanted to marry Joffrey and be queen of the seven kingdoms. However, she now projects a jaded essence that may drive a wedge between her and her brother. She is no longer consumed with being queen but rather prefers revenge for the unjust treatment of her family. In many regards, the process has turned her into a young Cersei where her family is everything. This is noted when Jon Snow remarks’ that Sansa’s portrayal of Cersei sounds like an ode of admiration rather than condemnation.

Sansa is playing a dangerous game with Little finger who has proven he cannot be trusted. He was responsible for her Father’s death but loved her mother dearly. Can he die now already?! He will only betray Sansa when Cersei offers him a better deal.

Cersei Lanister “We arethe Last lanisters, the last ones who count”

We happen upon Cersei Queen of Westeros planning with her Brother-Lover Jamie to take back Westeros from their enemies. To be fair Cersei has always thought that she would make a better ruler than the men who came before her, now she possesses the opportunity to prove it. Guided by the teachings of her father she is set upon building a dynasty that will last for years to come. With enemies on all sides she is beset on not trusting anyone including her family. This does not bode well for Jamie as she has proven an angst to discard all those who stand in her way.
Most bizarre Cersei views herself entirely alone from everyone, possibly including Jamie. She claims their son Tommen has betrayed her by taking his own life after Cersei blew up the Sept. The question remains has Cersei become the Mad Queen? She clearly has a view of Westeros that is not justified. She views herself as queen of the Seven Kingdoms, when in reality as Jamie points out its 3 at best. With few allies and enemies mounting, Cersei is a dangerous woman when backed in a corner. Her only ally comes in the form of Euron Greyjoy who has offered her ships to support her crusade for revenge. She will definitely need more allies to battle her enemies.

Jamie Lanister “Even Lanisters can’t survive without Allies”

Jamie Lanister has survived a complicated journey. Not inherently evil like his father or sister-lover, Jamie is torn by a loyalty to his family counterbalanced by a moral compass to do right. Presently, he finds himself on an island alone in the capital. He is unsure of the direction his sister’s actions are taking them, while he is cautious about everyone. He understands that they have very few allies remaining and presently their outlook on winning a war for the seven kingdoms looks dire at best. His current predicament puts him at odds with both of his siblings. He does not support his sister’s approach but remains loyal to the family. His brother Tyrion is headed on a path to clash with his other two siblings as the hand of Queen Daenerys. He also finds himself at odds with those he has befriended along his travels (e.g. Brienne of Tarth)

Samwell Tarly  “I ‘ve seen them, the Army of the Dead”

How much shit can one man take?! On his quest to become a Maester Sam Tarly is relegated to scut duty, emptying and washing the bedpans of other Maesters and also serving food in the galley. Sam Tully came to Old Town with a goal of becoming a Maester to learn the secrets of stopping the White Walkers. He finds himself in a land, cast as a crazy outsider, speaking of perceived falsehoods with no one to believe him. He finds one believer in the Archmaester who believes that Sam Tarly’s account of his dealings with the White Walkers and suggests that his account mimics others that have been documented over the years. Overall the Maesters do not comprehend the clear and present danger posed by the white walkers, and view these latest developments as another notch in the history of man. The question remains, will Sam gain the knowledge and wisdom to help his friend Jon Snow defeat the White Walkers or will his efforts be in vain? Only time will tell. Sam is torn between his love of knowledge and becoming a Maester.

The Hound “I always thought you were dull as dirt”

Now basically a prisoner of the Band of Brothers, we meet The Hound traveling through the North during winter. They stumble upon an abandoned inn, where they decide to rest for the night. The Hound has a difficult story line to follow. As a victim of his brother, who burned his face for playing with his toys as a child, the Hound has had a hard life. As such he has grown up with a morbid outlook on humanity with a me first outlook on his dealing. With fighting being the only thing he has ever been good at, he has utilized his skill to become a servant to the throne under  King Robert Baratheon, and his son Joffrey. Presently, the hound, is searching for meaning after escaping the clutches of death by Arya Stark. This episode seeks to convert a non believer “the Hound” into the path of the Lord of Light. This presents a divine irony that The Hound is deathly afraid of fire, due to his misgivings as a child. Now following a band of Fire worshipers he sees the future in the flames divined by the Lord of light.  We even witness Clegane (The Hound) in Prayer, a novel sight for a non-believer. Some might argue that to follow the Lord of Light has always been The Hounds destiny dating back to his childhood of having his face seared off. Clearly the Hound is set to play a great role in the dealings to come. We doubt the writers would have saved him from a sure death not to provide purpose to his character. With the Hound coming to terms with the existence of the Lord of Light we are left to wonder if the Lord of Light will make an appearance at some point on the show. With GOT anything is possible.

Daenerys Targaryen “Let us begin”

We don’t get a lot of screen time for everyone’s favorite Dragon Queen. The first episode ends with Daenerys finally reaching her home land at Dragonstone. A fitting name for a woman with three dragons. We have also just learned that beneath Dragonstone is a mountain of dragon glass, which may be the key to defeating the white walker army, headed south. Daenerys is surrounded by her closest advisors as she enters Dragonstone, the former home of Stanis Baratheon. She was born at this castle and has returned to claim her birthright. Wasting no time after entering the strategy chamber over a map of Westeros we see Daenerys exclaim “Let Us Begin.” A parting shot for the season ahead with Daenerys finally claiming her birthright, The Iron Throne.

Side note: Dragonstone doesn’t seem like the perfect place to unload an army of 1000 ships, but hey what do I know.

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