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Photo Credit: HackingNetflix / Foter.com / CC BY-NC |
Fast forward to 2013 and Arrested Development has developed a cult following, no one knows exactly how this happened for a show that only had three seasons the cult following makes you wonder how this show could have ever been canceled. Enter NETFLIX, I guess the cult following had been bolstered by the ability of new and old fans alike to stream old episodes of Arrested Development. For many I am sure this evolved from a "lets just see what the talk is about" mentality. And that's how they get you ladies and gentlemen, you are hooked. When you have unlimited access to all the episodes of all three seasons it becomes an addiction. Even if you are not totally enthralled by the show you end up just continuing to watch just to see what happens next. After all why not, its there.
Netflix was in a unique position to take a chance on a series like this, why because they are Netflix. None of the major broadcasters can take a gamble like this because it requires giving up valuable prime-time air. And cable network stations are less risky to make a huge gamble on a canceled TV show. Sure Fox could have brought back the show but there was a reason they cancelled it in the first place and there was no guarantee that bringing it back would mean $ for the network. Leading up to the re-launch of the current season of netlix it seemed as though Arrested Development was being talked about everywhere. CNBC seemed to mention it everyday, in regard to the escalating stock price of NFLX up over 140% this year. There was more than enough water cooler talk either about the old characters, or whether the series would be the same or just discussion on whether or not people would be watching it.
The big weekend arrives and Arrested development season 4 debut's, I will admit it was not something I waited for or even heavily planned into my schedule. But when the time came I decided hey I will check it out and see how it all turned out after all I had already invested emotional bonds with the characters "The Bluths" a long time ago it would only be rude not to see how they are doing. And so I turned on my Netflix but I decided to do something that I could only do on Netflix, before immersing myself in the new season I decided to watch all the previous seasons of Arrested Development, so that I could be accurately aware of what was going on in the current season. And that's how Arrested Development/NETFLIX stole a week of my dedicated TV time. THEY GOT ME! AND I LOVED IT!
Now you will see that some critics hate the new arrested development, some fans that I talk to love the unique way Netflix brought back the characters with an extremely complicated convergence of each individual character's experience. But the one thing that cannot be argued is that NETFLIX is winning. And this will get Netflix new viewers and it will get people talking about Netflix. This is how NETFLIX is changing the game, and making PRIME TIME when ever you want it to be.
CEO Reed Hasting has stated that he wants to make Netflix the next HBO with original subscriber content before HBO can become like NETFLIX, pretty smart chess move. And the debut of Netflix's original content, "House of Cards" was a smash hit. The second installment of Netflix original content Hemlock Groove seemed to be a ill fated cross between True Blood and Twighlight with a confusing and cumbersome plot. But I will admit I watched every episode of the series, after all its the Netflix way and if they came out with another season there is a good chance I would watch that also, just to see what happens.
So where does this leave Netflix and Arrested development. Well there will clearly be another season of Arrested development indicated by the abrupt ending to season 4. And as a result this leaves Netflix in a really good position to take over Tinseltown.And even though many critics bash the remake of the show because of the Unique way Netflix debuts and entire season at once it is impossible to cancel the show. Had this been a Network, Season 4 might not have made it to episode 6 before being canceled if you believe the critics. But because Netflix is different the hardcore fans can rejoice in being able to see it to the end. I look forward to seeing what's the next trick up the sleeve of Reed Hasting and the executives over at Netflix. Stay tuned.........figuratively speaking of course ;)
Photo Credit: Arrested Development